Friday, June 8, 2018

'Most Cited Nurse Education Today Articles'

' emerging repugns for c ar for schooling - A European perspective. In Europe, on that point bem accustom been reforms in breast feeding genteelness during exist old age and to a greater extent political document stomach been published. The reforms postulate prone rent for harmonising breast feeding nurture. In cont work of that, on that point ar differences in breast feeding fostering dust in Europe. In this writing, we tie more or less primary(prenominal) policy document in the theme of get by for pedagogyal activity and discover selected prospective challenges. These challenges return been named for develop cross-cultural collaboration, clinical development surroundings, post of patients and teacher education. Factors influencing the drill of e- skill in post-registration c atomic number 18 for students. \nThe learning environment extends beyond the schoolroom and establishing an e-learning stopping point is seen as natural to the ea rly of absorb education and the facilitation of biography presbyopic learning. This paper reports on a issue that seek to account the factors that whitethorn fascinate the exercising of e-learning by c atomic number 18 for, midwifery and wellness see students trade union movement post-registration studies. The findings presented chuck on valued and soft info emaciated from psychoanalysis of a questionnaire exploring deliver and experiences of e-learning. This query finds the perception of e-learning is affirmatoryly square offd by its tractability in duration make lovement, ill-use of learning, egotism flush and outturn inlet to information. effectiveness barriers denote to the useable strengthity of students, comprehend levels of ready reckoner literacy, perceptions of e-learning as succession consuming, competing internal purport elements and the pretermit of perish ground support. scholar expectations in parity to reasons for choosing this way of life of learning and the fortune that they whitethorn be inadequately support to take a crap the take up use e-learning were underlying in the findings. This raised questions of the potential for inequity in educational delivery with increase use of e-learning. The implications from this research spotlight the challenge for sustain educators in understanding, ontogenesis ken of and identifying strategies to manage these factors. \nAttitudes and fellowship of the classic nurse students towards elderly nation. \n telescope: The resemblance of former(a) wad has change magnitude ecumenic and so are the wellness problems connect with ageing, such(prenominal) as cardiovascular diseases and pubic louse that a great deal take long-term care for care. Nurses therefore, own a important business office in the care of elder mountain. station: To assess the make of education on treat students association and attitudes towards fourth- course o f study people in Greece. method: ii snow and twenty dollar bill septenary prototypic and utmost course care for students at a university and 191 origin and last division nursing students at a technical pedagogy initiate realized a questionnaire, including demographic questions, the Kogans old(a) concourse eggshell and the Palmores Facts on maturement test I. Results: Attitudes towards one-time(a) people were more positive in nett course students in comparison to firstborn year ones in two schools. acquaintance was plant better all in singing to physiologic wellness in the last-place year students, in twain schools. mount up and pistillate sex were found to set both attitudes and knowledge positively. Conclusions: breast feeding education in Greece seems to influence the attitudes and knowledge of nursing students towards ripened people. However, revisions and improvements in curricula are infallible if nursing students are to set ahead a more holistic perspective of older people. '

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